Real Life Stories

Survivor Law

GREEN CARD DESPITE PETITIONER’S DEATH, AND WITHOUT HUMANITARIAN REVALIDATION Elvie came to the US as a tourist to be with her terminaly-ill mother who had already petitioned for her.  Elvie was devastated with the death of her mother and was also worried that her petition would no longer be valid. Atty. MICHAEL J. GURFINKEL saved the day, enabling Elvie to ...

Humanitarian Parole

A Desperate Mother Is Able to Bring Her Special Needs Child to the USA via "Humanitarian Parole"  When Mommy Conchita (center) immigrated to the US in 2007, she had to make a difficult decision of leaving her special needs daughter, Nina (left) behind in the Philippines. It was a difficult time, because mother and daughter had never been separated before. Nina ...

Drug Use

ADMISSION TO DRUG USE BANS HIM FROM ENTERING THE U.S. FOR LIFE!    Jeff and his wife, Jesyl’s ultimate goal of living the American Dream was shattered when Jeff got a lifetime ban from entering the US because he admitted to the doctor’s at St. Luke’s he tried drugs many years ago.  Jeff was left behind to take care of their ...

Religious Visa

RELIGIOUS GREEN CARDS ARE MUSIC TO THEIR EARS!    Rey and Maria are music ministers who surrendered their fate to God as they heeded His call.  Their life in the Ministry brought them numerous opportunities, one of which was the chance to come over to the US under a Religious Worker’s visa to sing and dedicate their lives to the ...

Drug Use

HOPE IS RENEWED AFTER LIFETIME BAN FOR ADMITTING TO DRUG USE.  Admitting that he had used drugs got Marven banned from entering the US for life.  Alone and away from his family, he endured back-to-back tragedies:  their house burned down; and the few possessions remaining were washed away during Typhoon Ondoy.  All hope was lost until leading US immigration attorney ...

Survivor Law

A MOTHER’S GREEN CARD FROM HEAVEN.  Christine decided to remain in the US after she found out that her mother’s health was deteriorating fast.  Life as a TNT was hard, but she held on and prayed daily for the strength to persevere and for her mother to hang on. Christine’s fear was that if her mother died, her mother’s petition ...

Humanitarian Revalidation

GREEN CARDS DESPITE PETITIONER’S DEATH THROUGH HUMANITARIAN REVALIDATION.  Harold was petitioned by his veteran father, but unfortunately his petitioner died before Harold could enter the US.  Atty. MICHAEL J. GURFINKEL was able to obtain green cards for Harold and his two children despite the petitioner’s death through humanitarian revalidation ...

Fake Tourist Visa

FATHER AND DAUGHTER REUNITE AFTER 40 YEARS OF LIFE-CHANGING CHOICES AND “MISFORTUNES” Decades ago, Tatay Rolando left his wife and daughters in the Philippines to seek a better life in the US. After getting his green card, he petitioned his family, except for Anna Lyn who had turned 21, and was left behind.  The years that followed became a series ...

Fake Tourist Visa

FAKE TOURIST VISA RESULTED IN BEING SENT BACK TO THE PHILIPPINES “AIRPORT TO AIRPORT”, JEOPARDIZING HIS IMMIGRANT VISA, DUE TO FRAUD Johnnatan got a tourist visa through a newspaper ad that advertised “Non-Appearance” Visas for $2500.  He entered the US in 2002 without any problems, but when he returned in 2003, he was held at the airport and sent back ...